Monday, October 8, 2012


February 19, 2012


Dear Family and Friends,

            We have had a busy week. We are at the end of another six weeks and it is time for transfers. Our district has only one change.  So, there is a companionship that will experience a shakeup. This doesn't seem that important unless it is happening to you.

            We had a Tri Zone Activity which included sports and a BBQ. There were about 45 missionaries and a few invited guests. Elder Sheffer and I cooked the food and delivered the Valentines made by the primary children in the Visalia Stake. It was supposed to be a very rainy day but during the time we were playing there was no rain. It was a delightful day. The Valentines were so creative and of course the missionaries loved them. While at the activity one of our investigators called and asked if we would come over and help make cupcakes for all the missionaries in the Zone for Valentine's Day. They were beautiful. The missionaries loved them. When we took pictures of the Zone they were all holding the cupcakes. There is one missionary who is a pastry chef. He worked in the number one rated restaurant in Missouri. We were very impressed with his story. To be so young and be a well know pastry chef, wow. By the way, he was enjoying the cupcakes that Elder Sheffer had baked.

            We were focused on our baptismal candidate and visited with her every day. On Saturday Itha Jack was baptized. Many people said that it was the first time they had seen a smile on her face. Sunday she was confirmed and received the Holy Ghost. She was smiling even more.  On Saturday we also helped set up for a wedding for a sweet lady and attended her baptism on Sunday.

            After church on Sunday a couple that we are teaching asked if they could take us to the coast for preparation day and we told them we could not leave mission boundaries, so they plan to take us to Yosemite. We are excited. They said we could teach them a lesson on the way. What a way to do missionary work. We will send pictures.

            We think of you each day and pray for you.   Love, Elder and Sister Sheffer

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